Enhance Energy Efficiency with Superior Dryer Vent Covers

Many people consider vent covers as unnecessary, because they think vent covers only serve a cosmetic purpose. However, this is a common misconception. Energy efficient dryer vent covers play a significant role in the ventilation of your dryer, and can also save you money. Most people don’t realize that installing a dryer vent cover has an important impact on their home energy cost.

Air from outside can easily enter your home if your dryer vent isn’t covered. This means during the winter, cool air can enter your home and cause your heater to work harder. The opposite happens in the summer; warm air makes its way in through the uncovered dryer vent and causes your air conditioner to run longer.

As a result, you will end up wasting energy and spending more money on heating and cooling expenses. Luckily, this problem is easily avoided by installing a dryer vent cover to prevent air from getting into your home.

Uncovered vents can also develop clogs that reduce your dryer’s energy efficiency. Some of these clogs are caused by lint buildup, but other things like rodent and bird nests can also block vents. Animals seek shelter in the vents during winter because they are covered areas that provide warmth and protection.

An energy efficient dryer vent cover blocks animals from coming inside while also reducing lint buildup, and thus lowers the chances of developing a clog. Many homeowners make the mistake of assuming a dryer is broken when it has a clogged vent, and end up buying a new unit that sets them back hundreds of dollars. Even if you recognize the clog, hiring a professional service to fully remove it can easily cost into the hundreds of dollars as well.

If your dryer vent duct is too long and passes through your attic, it is natural to form dips. These repetitive dips in the duct will slow down the ventilation process of the hot air and create pockets of water droplets in the duct. It is recommended to shorten your vent to ensure proper ventilation.

If your dryer vent cover is damaged beyond repair simply replace it. Regular cleaning of your vent is recommended to avoid above mentioned issues.

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